In addition to our full range of work in Animation and VFX, Symbiosys’s IP development division has created a series of Intellectual Properties that we’d love to introduce you to.

Mr. & Mrs. J Evil Scientist

3D 52 x 7

Pre-Production Stage

Mr. & Mrs. J. Evil Scientist are a family of fictional characters inspired by The Addams Family cartoons that appeared in The New Yorker.

The Evil Scientist family, consisting of J. , his wife Goonda, and son Junior,

The Adventures of POW WOW

2D 52 x 11

Pre-Production stage
The Adventures of POW WOW features the Native American boy Pow Wow, as well as the tribe’s medicine man, and a Native American girl who is a friend of Pow Wow’s. The main story often center on Pow Wow’s discovery of an animal, hurt or otherwise, and his attempts to protect the forest and wildlife from various threats. When Pow Wow needs help in these missions, he seeks counsel from the wise medicine man.